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Local Teams

Public·371 members

JTC Tactical
Community leaders that ensure everyone is following the rules of the JTC community.


Member that is always here and can be reached via forms, groups, and chats.

Active Member!

Oklahoma Jaeger 6 showing off the training with a perfect form on the pie and a perfect Angle of Engagement!

Come join us out at our Sponsored field JTC Tactical

#1OKJRC #Jaegers #LadyJaegers #milsimteam #milsimlife #milsimnation #milsiminternational #milsimaddict #milsimjunkie #milsimusa #usmilsim #milsimoklahoma #dday #JTCTactical #events #wargamesoklahoma #milsimsunday #gear #guns #tactical #airsoft #airsoftlife #airsoftnation #airsoftinternational #texasairsoft #missouriairsoft #coloradoairsoft #kansasairsoft #milsimcommunity #jaegersupportteam


Partner & Sponsors:

@jtc tactical





Welcome to the group! This group is for local teams to re...


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